I figured since I was mentioned in Wendy's post I thought I would introduce myself. I am her fiance. If you have any question about my experience with my current fast or any other questions feel free to ask me.
I have fasted twice before. The first time was a Water Fast that began sometime at the end of April of this year for two days. The first day was not bad at all, I had no real hunger issues just some body aches. The The evening part of the second day the body aches became a real issue. I took a nap trying to get rid of the pains. The nap did not help at all. It was about 9:00PM when I broke my fast with some fruits and vegetables. I lost a total of 6 lbs.
My second fast was a juice and water fast. The fast was mostly a water fast. It began on the 21st of July and ended late evening on the 24th of July. Overall it was not a bad expierence. I had some hunger issues on the 2nd day. The reason I gave in on the night of the fourth day was that I was having some acid problems and my body was telling me that I should be eating at this time of day, not because I was hungry. I did not break this fast the right way. I had two 7 layer burritos and had half of a nacho bell grande from taco bell. I lost a total of 10 lbs.