Don't know if this helps, Andyeleven...
For years I've had a sore spot that sometimes seemed to originate behind my right eyebrow.
During one bad period it sent shooting pains over my skull as though my scalp was splitting. So bad that I went to Emergency and they did a CAT scan. Nothing.
At other times it seemed to connect to the tender spot in my cheek center front, and into the right side of the bone in my nose...perhaps into my teeth where I have falling fillings.
Since Humaworm, it did not dimish, though I've been able to breathe much more freely, constantly.
This ache didn't bother me all the time, nor to the same degree each time. Last winter I noticed it many times as my nose got cold falling asleep. Sometimes it was strong enough to make me want to find out what was in there.
I had stitches in that eyebrow from a fall as a child. It also seems to align with an eyetooth that was pulled at age 12.
Well, it's gone.
I don't know why.
The only specific treatment I've had is four rounds of Humaworm. The disappearance may have co-ordinated with the disappearance of urinary urgency of about five years standing.
I also had some Hu-Mana-Tea, HumaCleanse, two footbaths in a 1% solution of H. crystal mineral salts (the full bath came after relief), and I had started eating Brazil nuts...for the selenium and other minerals. I think I was low.
It is very hard to describe the relief, the calm, and the peace of being in charge of my own body functions.
This relief seemed to be from a vanquished bladder parasite, though I can't 'prove' it scientifically. I may have been born with it.
If it is the one I saw, it looked like small, blunt bits of red thread in my urine...just a few, and only noticed on a couple or three occasions.
Whatever the cause of that headache, you have no idea how glad I am that it's gone.
I have asked two alternative practitioners, over the years, what could be causing the ache, but received no suggestions.
I encourage you, Andy, to keep on with your basic healthcare routines, adjusting them slightly wherever it seems right.
It took me a year and a half to cleanse to this point...well worth every moment of the wait.
My best,