I have been doing UT for Graves Disease/hyperthyroidism for approximately 6 months now and am amazed at the benefits. I have been hyperthyroid for over 10 years, developing it at age 20 and have tried lots of alternative therapies, including chinese herbs and vitamin supplements, as well as traditional medication (carbimazole)which I hate. I decided to cut back on medication dramatically while on urine therapy and after about 6 weeks I stopped all together.
I recently had thyroid function tests which showed the best results I had had in a very long while. Not totally normal yet, but I know UT is working by the way I feel- fantastic!! Also have great skin and soft hair as a bonus!!
While the thought of UT put me off for a long while, one cup in the morning far outweighs feeling as bad as I did and I would highly recommend UT for this complaint.