You mean peer reviewed studies like the ones vaccine maker Merck used to attest to the safety of Vioxx? They presented similar studies about their new cash cow Gardasil too and that is turning out to be wonderful, isn't it?
Science today is the great whore - bought by the highest bidder and returning the results they want to see or else losing future grant and funding money. Scarcely a so-called public agency or non- profit organization exists without major ties to industry, including key board members provided by industy.
Do any of your precious maintstream peer reviewed sources vouch for the safety and compatibility in humans of all of the various evil substances found in vaccines? And don't try to use the old copout of GRAS (generally regarded as safe) levels. Their is no level of toxin that is entirely safe and combinations of all the various vaccine ingredients have scarcely been studied.
One example is lead and mercury. When you combine the amount of lead that will likely kill one in 100 people with the amount of mercury that will kill one in 100 people, you end up with a substance that will kill 100 out of 100 people.
While you are stewing on that one, maybe you can furnish the precious real science studies that vouch for the safety of every single one of the following vaccine ingredients: