What do you not understand about the word ALTERNATIVE?
Condensed version of HHG's message - go mainstream (though this is an ALTERNATIVE forum on an alternative website).
Don't listen to me you say? If the normal range is 500 to 1500, then where else would one put a level of 600 except at the lower end of the normal scale? I will point out that my reply was predicated on the statement of having "huge CD4 levels". They are not huge, simply normal. And at the low end of the normal scale. Nowhere did I say the number was anything to be concerned about, Miss Mainstream.
You obviously did not understand what I said, so what is it you don't understand about the word "alternative"? The name of this forum is the AIDS Alternative Support Forum - NOT the HHG AIDS Mainstream Forum. Neither is it a debate forum. If you do not have non-mainstream alternatives to suggest, you should limit your responses to technical information and keep your suggestions to use mainstream treatment to yourself.
Other than technical information, I would say don't listen to HHG if one is looking for alternative information in a forum designed for just that, because it isn't going to happen.