MILLI-HELEN beauty….
Do the acts and play the papers.
Pull in groups as all are gathers.
Go to edges as all are features.
Greater leaders all are greater-s.
Doors at backs are hells to bottoms.
Morals hit the walls as bookable.
Hooker shops are well to hobbies.
All are pulled on groups to honeys.
Hook up meeting cadre hooky.
Pokers lances are all to looker.
Token moneys come as snowman.
Faithless laws are coons to company.
Winter heats are loving clappers.
MILL-HELEN beauty gets the masters.
Milk our maggots go on milky.
Milk to pigeons gets our timings.
China gathered all as pushing.
Pushy bosses will get the hunters.
Huntress lands will father china.
Sweets on faces have evil innards.
River storms have china guzzlers.
China gods are WACKS as gutters.
Huntress lands will father china.
Sweets on faces have evil innards.
----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3----------