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today's conference call
mpdela Views: 1,076
Published: 17 y

today's conference call

Hello everyone,

Let us all join Arun and Cabel at the conference call today at 2:00p.m. Eastern Standard Time and present him with all our questions and concerns. Today we have an ‘open topic’ in which anything goes we can ask Arun questions or each other questions as well. Feel free to ask those questions that never really fit other ‘guest topic’. I case you can’t think of questions, these are some of the questions raised in the various forums and to me personally,

1. Explain what is a vegan diet, and who could benefit from it

2. Who has had positive experience in working from home? What types of jobs are out there, how can you prepare for these with education, etc.

3. What to do when you can’t seem to hold down a job because of your BO and the bills are stocking up? Who do you turn to?

4. Who to call when you feel at the end of your rope?

5. What alcoholic beverages have higher choline content, beer, wines, hard liquor?

6. What protein can we consume when trying to build muscle at the gym?

7. Fundraising efforts

8. Which pharmacies ship overseas to the Caribbean (for supplements)


Free USA-based phone conferences
General Conferences: normally every other Sundays 2pm EST.
Next call : August 3rd at 2:00 pm EST (to be confirmed)

For USA-based : (712) 432 1620 then type the access code on your phone keypad: 391629#

Non USA : prefix above with 001 but check to see if it is free with your supplier

Record number of callers : 70+

If privacy is a concern, code your phone to PRIVATE mode
This phoneline can be used anytime to talk to other sufferers

See you all there!



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