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This doctor is off his rocker and then some!
featherbutts Views: 2,416
Published: 17 y

This doctor is off his rocker and then some!

I went to a doctor at a clinic because I needed something for menopause. I tried different creams but still having hot flash's etc. I asked for a prescriiption for bio-identical hormone patch (Vivelle)and he said I'll give you something else for your hot flashes that doesn't have all the risks of estrogen. I complained of gaining 20 Pd's in 30 days, itchy skin, hair falling, hot flash's etc, etc, etc. All menopause symptoms. I went to pick up my prescriiption today and Couldn't believe it! He prescribed me Prozac! He didn't even tell me he was going to prescribe me an antidepressant. I was so mad!!!!!! I never told him I was deppressed. I just asked for the Vivelle Dot patch which is a prescriiption only, but make from plants not horse pee! I read online that some doctors prescribe prozac for hot flash's. Geeeezz!!! I'm not a happy camper right now.


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