This MD has cured PCOS w/Iodine Supplementation!
This is another good time to post this. Please listen to this 2-hour audio; the guest speaker is Jorges Flechas MD, a wholistic doctor who studied with and under Guy Abraham MD, another wholistic doctor. It is WELL worth your time!
Iodine deficiency is not only connected to PCOS, but
Iodine supplementation is also accredited with resolving most cystic problems, including FBD (FibroCYSTic Breast Disease) which usually comes before breast cancer.
This information may just
save your very life! I HAD heart palpitations and an arrythmia for over 10 years; I've been supplementing with
Iodine since 26/Jan/07 and I haven't had
any heart problems since Feb/07! Suffice it to say that iodine deficiency is connected to a
myriad of bodily problems.
I implore you to listen. You do not have to see a doctor to get better. Visit the
Iodine Forum s for more info - AFTER you listen to this audio.