Another oleander testimonial - Leukemia
Wonderful news today from an IM correspondent who uses oleander and makes his own oleander remedy according to the instructions I have written. I hope to have an interview with the lady he refers to, but in the meanwhile here is a copy of part of our messaging moments ago:
N: N: hello, how are you?
btw, i wanted to tell you something..
some lady started to drink oleander...
me: i am ok just bizzee
N: the strong one...
i made...
for her
she ha(d) leukimia...
no more...
her blood levels are back to better
when they were b4
me: really? no sign at all?
N: no man, doc was shocked
after 3 monhs
for a check up
me: where does she live? what state I mean?
N: he asked if she was taking her pills...she gave him the whole pack sealed...
she lives here in montreal
i prepared it for her man..
i made it so harsh like for me..
she had stomach issues for first 3 days...
then 1 week later she felt perfect
Sent at 8:08 PM on Thursday
me: that is great news - i surely could use that testimonial for my forums
N: ill see if i can get her to write it
me: you made the oleander soup right from my recipe, right?
tell her she could help save lives by telling her story.
N: your recipe, just filtered it way more..
me: or you could ask her if I could call her to interview her??
N: i could ask her
when i see her...
friends friends..
i decided to help
but most ppl dont even listen to me..
they think is bs
but this one...tried it..
I think I will let that conversation stand on its own.
FYI - oleander is available as follows:
1. Make your own home remedy extract based on the original patent for Anvirzel. Depending upon soil, season and individual plants, potency may vary a bit (unless you use a specific gravity measuring device):
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 1
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 2 - Tips and Advice
2. The herbal supplement version based on the same recipe, which also adds 20% extract of the South Africa Cancer Bush, available in extract or capsule and now made by to exact standards by a pharmaceutical manufacturing company to :
Sutherlandia OPC
3. Qualify for and purchase the patented medicine version available from Honduras and shipped to the US via FDA exception rule: