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Bruce, Inhaling CIO2
whawk57 Views: 7,266
Published: 17 y

Bruce, Inhaling CIO2

So with your personal experience,Bruce, I have a question . This is what i would like to know.Ingesting you never experienced anyone ODing but inhaling is very dangerous.So the fumes for an example of 15 drops activated with citric acid from a glass and whiffing it straight from the glass. How dangerous is that? would it be take me to an emergency room? or would it after continuous whiffing of several months worth take me to hospital with lung damage?
With your knowledge of this stuff, Bruce. how bad would this be? would be worse than car fumes? tobacco smoking etc.? with garage door closed and fumes from a running car engine ? in simpler form because i don't understand all this technical stuff. Could you compare it to some other well know chemical? The kind damage it could cause?
Thank you.


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