[All references from Chemtrails Confirmed 2007 by William Thomas unless otherwise noted.]
Chemtrails Confirmed 2007 is released in paperback by Bridgerhouse Publishers in the U.S. This latest, 356-page sixth edition includes hundreds of photographs, eyewitness accounts and full documentation from my ongoing eight-year investigation into chemtrails.
"What are senators doing about it, or do they play dumb, or are their explanations of them doing this with a non-harmful trail for other reasons?" asks an angry chemtrails protestor in the Netherlands.
February 22
The Discovery Channel's “Best Evidence” program brings “chemical contrails” into living rooms across North America. “What is in those fuel emissions, and what causes them to linger for hours and link up with one another like a ghostly blanket that seems to affect the weather and perhaps our health?” the producers ask William Thomas and other activists and scientists. “Are lingering jet trails seen by millions of people “potentially toxic 'chemical trails' emitted intentionally as part of secret geo-engineering experiments or weather-weaponization tests?”
The "Chemical Contrails" episode is also shown in Paris.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
May 2 CANADIAN PROTESTS CHEMTRAILS TO GOVERNMENT, MEDIA On Monday, April 30th, 2007, we were chemtrailed here in the Kootenay-Boundary all day long, starting before 8 am until late afternoon. I took video footage of the whole day's activities, mapping the times, locations and directions of the chemtrails, the winds carrying them, and their effects on the local environment and people.
To The Canadian Prime Minister, Leaders Of All Political Parties, All MPs, MLA's, Defence Minister, Health Ministers, Chief Of Defence Staff, News And Media Agencies And To The Canadian People: CHEMTRAILS ARE CHANGING OUR WEATHER!
The day started all sunny and blue sky with a few puffy white clouds here and there, and very warm. Chemtrailing started early, as viewed from Midway, a small Canadian town right on the U.S./Canada border at the 49th parallel. Flying low along the southern horizon, and almost out of sight, they zigzagged in an east-west direction, then later trailed right over our house in Greenwood (about 40 kms north, northeast of Midway), from southwest to northeast. This movement caused turbulence which caught the rapidly-forming chemclouds in the southwest and dragged them along behind the jet, as if they were being towed, then chemtrailing began to the north of us (at least 100 km's north of us, and well into Canadian airspace) zigzagging in an east-west direction again for the afternoon.
I and the camera can witness that these chemtrailing activities produce large masses of ribbed, striated, "mackerel sky" type cloud formations which, as they disperse and join together over the day, blanket an entire area, such as was the case Monday. We are hundreds of miles from any major pollution source, such as industries and high traffic Even before I caught sight of a new jet-trail, being downwind, I experienced the gamut of symptoms, such as nausea, difficulty breathing, dizziness, feeling sick and exhausted, and so on.
My partner looked sick and gray all Tuesday and missed work. Both of us felt drained and exhausted yesterday. I had the usual symptoms, as I do today. -Sharon Horn Greenwood, BC
EU Parliamentarian Erik Meijer asks the European Parliament to address to the European Commission “on the subject of Aircraft condensation trails which no longer only contain water.”
Greek chemtrails activist Wayne Hall and his colleagues in the New Citizens' Movement want Stavros Dimas and the European Commission to look for evidence. “We reject the answer given by Stavros Dimas on behalf of the European Commission… as entirely lacking in plausibility.”
June 19
Software engineer Andrew Johnson reports from Derbyshire, England how, in 2004, “I began to notice that these trails did not behave like contrails at all. Then, on 10th June 2005, I witnessed a grid of aircraft trails right outside my window, just before sunset… On 4th February this year, in a period of two and a half hours, I filmed 42 aircraft leaving long-lasting trails over the centre of Derby.”
Albert Shine, a former Aircraft Technician from Morecambe, Lancashire, says, “My background is in aviation, thus I am very familiar with many current helicopters, civil airliners and some military types. As regards this phenomenon… I was at first skeptical, until I began to observe chemtrails over Morecambe. Many more people now suffer a wide spectrum of breathing related complaints (asthma is now quite common), frequent flu-like symptoms and lingering colds etc and this 'designer pollution' may be a contributory cause. It is vital that this matter is brought to as wide a section of the public as possible and it should merit headlines in the media.”
July 7
The Earth is beginning to glow. Untold billions upon billions of particulates floating in Earth's atmosphere are found to be giving off a glow of reflected sunlight, veiling the world in a luminous mist.
A bill to establish the Weather Mitigation Advisory and Research Board, and for other purposes. was introduced by Texas Republican Sen. Kay Hutchison. It was read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. As of January 27, 2008 it appears that this second bill to set up a federal weather modification agency also died there. (See also: H.R. 3445) [Library of Congress]
August 22
The Chemtrails Documentation Project finds, “If the same weather related scientific parameters that are utilized by atmospheric scientists to predict the formation of the 'Persistent Contrails' are applied to specific occurrences of the Chemtrail Spray Operations, it can be demonstrated that in many cases the upper atmospheric conditions present do not support the conclusion that the contrails observed are the result of hot jet engine exhaust forming long duration cirrus clouds.
“Operational Doppler Weather Radar cannot detect cirrus clouds, let alone aircraft contrails. The radar return signal strength (dBZ)… is consistent with light rainfall. Yet in all of the examples the Doppler radar is operating in clear air mode, not precipitation mode. The set angle (4.3 deg. max) of the horizon scanning Doppler Radar is too low to detect contrails directly overhead.
The upper atmosphere data that correlates to the date and time of most of the Doppler images indicate that conditions for persistent contrail formation are not present in the atmospheric profile.
“The dBZ values increase as the strength of the signal returned to the radar increases… In every example, the upper atmosphere relative humidity levels required for jet exhaust to form 'Persistent Contrails' are not found at any elevation for the 12-hour period represented by the image at any of the monitoring sites.”
An extremely well-connected source, with whom this reporter has closely collaborated for the past 15 years, was used to seeing the same pair of U.S. military intelligence agents after we had gone public with detailed reports on electromagnetic “poppers” deployed by the Office of Naval Intelligence in Iraq, and Israel's abortive nuclear airstrike on Iran.
“Hank” (not his real name) and I have both been thanked by agents anonymously nicknamed “Bob” and “Dave” for making certain vital information known to the world and its leaders through my website. The site's 75,000 visitors a day have included high-ranking members of the U.S. and overseas military and intelligence communities, the British Parliament, Israel's Knesset and even the Vatican.
The twins are back because they know that Hank would relay their latest briefing to me-hopefully in time to prevent a biological apocalypse.
This time, Bob and Dave have brought along an elderly gentleman “with a slight accent” from a small, distant, hot, beleaguered and closely allied country, who wants to meet Hank ever since reading his three-page fictional scenario back in 1995.
Prepared for the U.S. Army, Hank's extrapolation of then-current classified research imagined a night attack on an enemy camp by two American helicopters hovering in whisper-mode “over jungle treetops”. Receiving a green light, the pilot of the lead Apache fired a pair of Hellfires that hit “on either side of a camp with a poof instead of a boom.” As the grass starts to whither, and people inside the camp start falling over, their infrared signatures goes “darker, darker gone.”
A second green light sends the trailing Huey to land inside the camp. Protected by a prophylactic pill similar to the “PB” tablets swallowed by GIs during Desert Storm, the team “goes walking around in their jocks and socks kicking bodies over.” Proceeding to the “head shed” they gather valuable “Intel”-which they fax from the Huey on their way home” so that the contaminated documents can be destroyed in flight.
When Bob and Dave introduce them, Hank's new friend is carrying his copy of the “The Mission”. As Hank later relayed to me, “He was upset by it because it followed and tracked what they actually did accomplish in 1996.”
Because I had previously drawn on congressional testimony and military sources to extensively document more than a decade of illegal “Open Air” tests of biological simulants on Americans, coast-to-coast during the 1970s and early '80s, I was surprised when Hank confirmed that the U.S. Army Medical Material Development Command at Fort Dietrich still issues final project grants for bio-simulants still being released over U.S. cities-20 years after this program was supposedly stood down.
“It's bad crap, but not the worst crap,” Hank tells me, explaining how “at least one out of five or more genetically altered molecules” will eventually release their material to “bind with something more compatible”-such as living human cells… If you take a more than moderately heavy metal and out it into a liquid or foam into the atmosphere it will cause a visible streak in the sky.”
Hank's informant-an individual I name “Ezekiel”-is closely involved with a previously unconfirmed aspect of the chemtrails program. This verified “insider” discloses that military applications occasionally piggybacked on chemtrail missions add supposedly benign biological agents to chemtrails to see if these slightly sick-making agents will be absorbed and by the atmosphere-or carry to the ground where, as in previous “Open Air” experiments, crowded emergency rooms can attest to their effectiveness.
As Hank puts it, “You can pretty much tell what the target saturation will be”-for more lethal variants eventually used against a targeted population.
“The things people are seeing worldwide are part and parcel of a larger experiment,” Hank was told. “The real kicker is that it's more than a 'dual use' kind of thing.”
As he goes on to explain, chemtrails are also being used to bounce radiation from radar and radio transmissions “over the horizon”-clear around the globe if necessary. This “aerial obscuration” as the Air Force officially terms it, also deflects electronic spy satellite sweeps “without destroying said satellite,” Hank was told. “Unlike frying the sat with a directed energy pulse, blocking its sensors with a temporary chemtrail shield to mask military deployments below is not considered an act of war.”
After all, Hank notes, if a chemtrail is “opaque enough to bounce a signal off of, it's opaque enough to block a signal going through it.”
In the briefing provided by his accented chemtrails source, Hank learns, “This stuff has a specific dispersal rate; a specific descent rate. Once we spray it, we are learning that it will cover X area in X amount of time.” Once these variables are known by looking for specific biological markers in chemtrails-or in people sickened enough to see their doctors-“you can say it will ht the ground with plus or minus” concentrations.
But he stresses that biological simulants do not have to be inserted into chemtrails for this program to proceed.
“There's another level to this that if exploited could accomplish the mission. “The fungus, the viruses, the bacteria”-living and reproducing harmlessly in the upper atmosphere-“they don't have to be something that's put it in. There's some that they do. But mostly they are passively receiving information on what this material would hold onto.”
Brought to the ground by latching onto falling chemtrails, pathogens that naturally exist in the upper atmosphere are easily identified because they have been mutated by unfiltered ultraviolet sunlight into strikingly distinguishable variants of their earthbound kin. In this manner, Hank was told, “mad scientists” are determining how biological gents built in a weapons lab and spread by the same high-flying spray aircraft could be distributed to “take out” an entire country
September 25
“Suddenly a meteorogical radar registers the prese3nce of a cloud, but it's not clear how did this happen? The answer seems to be that this was the result of a military experiment. What are these mysterious trails and what is their purpose? We will try to find out.
“The military planes of the German Federal Army are manipulating our climate; this is that the weather researchers are presuming and their suspicions are confirmed.
“Sinister clouds up to 350 km long appear all of a sudden on the radar, but only on the metrological radars. The first time it happened was in the summer of 2005, and then in March of 2006. The German Army has admitted having war exercises toward the borders with the Netherlands.
“For Karsten Brandt, meteorologist, this is the answer to the enigma: 'The Federal Army is manipulating the metrological maps. We can state with 97% certainty that we have on our hands chemical trails (chemtrails), comprised of fine dust containing polymers and metals, used to disrupt radar signals.
'This is their main purpose, but I was surprised that this artificial cloud was so widespread, The radar images are stunning considering the needed tons of dispersed elements. Although the Federal Army claims that only small amounts of material were propagated. The military heads claim that the substances used are not harmful.'
“The registers report emissions of chemtrails at low altitudes. In the United States of America there are protest after protest for many years now against these military operations and now people are mobilizing in Germany, as well.
“For example, Johannes Remmel of the Greens: 'It's obvious that enormous regions are being polluted with clandestine actions, but all of this has to be made public. The government must provide explanations to the unsuspecting population.'
“Yet, the story continues: in the following three weeks the instruments register other activities of suspicious aircraft, similar to the previously mentioned, above other areas of Germany. Meanwhile, the satellite imagery is clearly counterfeited by the military.
Karsten Brandt: 'From our observations, we can conclude that they fly over the regions of Westphalia, Bielefeld, the Ruhr zone to Saxony and Hamburg, forming a really dense layer of artificial cloud-cover. Weather manipulation is prohibited.'
“After the first discovery, Karsten Brandt has filed a legal charge against unknowns for weather manipulation, based on his careful verifications and data gathered by radar, through which he documented every anomalous cloud formation."
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