[All references from Chemtrails Confirmed 2007 by William Thomas unless otherwise noted.]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The Chemtrail conspiracy theory claims that some trails left behind jet aircraft are different in appearance and quality from those of normal contrails, may be composed of harmful chemicals, and are being deliberately produced, and covered up by the government. These unusual trails are referred to as "chemtrails" (a portmanteau of "chemical trails").
The term "chemtrail" does not refer to common forms of aerial dumping (e.g. crop dusting, cloud seeding or aerial firefighting). It specifically refers to systematic, high-altitude dumping of unknown substances for undisclosed purposes, resulting in the appearance of these unusual contrails.
1 Overview
2 USAF response
3 Skeptical response
4 Similar phenomena
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
7.1 Pro-chemtrail theory sites
7.1.1 Image links
7.1.2 Chemtrails in the media
7.2 Skeptical links
7.3 Of associated interest
8 Further reading
The chemtrail theory apparently first achieved prominence in mid-to-late 1990s. Chemtrails have been discussed on radio programs hosted by Art Bell and Jeff Rense with investigative journalist William Thomas who first reported on chemtrails. According to a FAQ posted at Jeff Rense's website, "chemtrails look like contrails initially, but are much thicker, extend across the sky and are often laid down in varying patterns of X's, tic-tac-toe grids, cross-hatched and parallel lines. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand and drip feathers and mares' tails. In 30 minutes or less, they open into wispy formations which join together, forming a thin white veil or a 'fake cirrus-type cloud' that persists for hours."
"Chemtrails" are mentioned in House Bill HR 2977, the Space Preservation Act of 2001, introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich, where it appears as one of a list of "exotic weapons system[s]" to be banned under the bill… The entire list of exotic weapons was omitted from later versions of the bill.
An article entitled "The Chemtrail Smoking Gun" by Bruce Conway, suggested that chemtrails represent the implementation of technologies suggested in a 1992 National Academy of Science study, "Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming"; specifically, that chemtrails are part of a secret project intended to mitigate global warming.
The Las Vegas Tribune, a free weekly broadsheet, ran an article on September 9, 2005, entitled "Chemtrails - Coming Out Of The Closet?", wherein that publication's managing editor, Marcus K. Dalton, stated that United States Air Force scientists working at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, told Columbus Alive… they had been conducting two aerial spraying experiments: "one involved aluminum oxide spraying related to global warming and the other involved barium stearate and had to do with high-tech military communications."
Chemtrail advocates say these trails are often laid down in patterns, such as grids, Xs and crosshatches. Some researchers believe that a chemical and/or biological agent of some sort is being released.
Describing itself as “a group of concerned citizens working together to put an end to aerial obscuration projects”-including persistent contrails and chemtrails-this Santa Cruz org hopes to serve as a model for similarly self-organizing CAN groups in cities across North America.
CAN's “local mission” is to similarly create a municipal-legislated “Chemtrail-Free Zone” by collaborating “with local and state government, environmental groups, and with the community to increase awareness and knowledge of chemtrail operations and to bring an end to these operations within city/county limits.
CAN's website urges visitors to “Please do some research and watch the skies. And remember, normal jet contrails evaporate within minutes while chemtrails spread out and eventually overcast the sky. Look up, wake up, and speak out! Together, we can put an end to chemtrails and help make the world a safer place.”
Visitors to the site can:
Report Chemtrails Activity.
Please contact your local, state, and federal representatives and agencies to report where and
when the spraying occurred. (Click here for info)
SIGN UP to the Chemtrails-911 e-mail list!
Stay updated on related news and actions!
Let's network together and put an end to the poisoning of our skies!
Your e-mail will not be used for anything unrelated to chemtrails.
What are you willing to do? Want some ideas? (Click here)
Read comments from other concerned citizens that are watching the skies!!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world." - Margaret Mead
Their PETITION TO THE ELECTED OFFICALS of SANTA CRUZ COUNTY can serve as a template for other cities worldwide:
WE, the undersigned of Santa Cruz, California draw attention to the following:
THAT aerial spraying has been observed occurring over Santa Cruz and also from California to Maine for at least the last two years;
THAT this aerial spraying has been carried out by large military type jet aircraft that create white plumes, which evidence suggests are chemical-laden (hereinafter “chemtrails”) and often seen in the form of large “X's”, “O's” and checkerboard patterns;
THAT this aerial spraying has been carried out without the knowledge or consent of the Santa Cruz people;
THAT chemtrails in the atmosphere across Santa Cruz and California can only adversely affect the health of our population, especially the children, the elders and the weak;
THAT the people of Santa Cruz have the inalienable right not to be sprayed with massive amounts of chemicals from the sky for whatever purpose; and
THAT many concerned citizens have already attempted to obtain explanations of this aerial chemtrail spraying activity from their elected representatives and from various government departments but with no success.
THEREFORE, your petitioners call upon you to act on behalf of your constituents to take the following actions:
(1) Pass a resolution supporting the original Space Preservation Act 2001 and the Space Preservation Treaty, which prohibits the use of space-based weapons and related aerial experimentation, including 'chemtrails'; and
(2) Sponsor a temporary committee on behalf of the people to--
a) start an investigation to obtain full disclosure as to the purpose of the aerial spraying that has been occurring in Santa Cruz air space;
b) endorse appropriate letters to the FAA, DOD, EPA, and to all necessary departments and persons, calling for immediate cessation of all of space-based weapons and related aerial experimentation, including 'chemtrails', in Santa Cruz air space;
c) gather information from heath officials, hospitals, county clinics, and from all necessary groups, to study and correlate the health effects of said aerial spray operations; and
d) immediately disclose to the Santa Cruz public, when the information becomes available, any and all information pertaining to said aerial spray operations, including what the chemical composition is of the materials that have been sprayed in our air space. [;]
Read more about S.T. Brendt's amazing morning - Chemtrails Confirmed 2007 excerpt
Louisiana News 12 carries chemtrails story with lab tests showing Barium falling from the sky at 3-times toxic levels set by EPA.
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