I don't think that Trapper, as in Ask Trapper, has really been the primary issue in the recent debate and I have never seen anything in his forum that I take issue with. As for Vulcanel, yes his forum is a bit of a personal playground and he sometimes does have a style that others take issue with - but it is HIS forum, and I do not see it as one that is hawking any products or services or lured anyone there with promises. So call it a playground - and perhaps the best advice for those who do not like getting sand in their face in the playground is to steer clear of it. As for myself, I rather enjoy a visit there from time to time, have actually learned a thing or two, have been entertained several times, have laughed at Vulcanel privately other times, but have always kept in mind that it is NOT my playground.
Comparing either of those two and how they run their forums to Charlie is pretty much apples and oranges, imho.