17 y
Re: Doom and Gloom
Man has always culled his own - in general the strongest survive, but not in all cases.
Again in the future, man will be called to cull his own, but probably on a more massive scale, whether it be blatant or otherwise. My guess is that it will be silent - an engineered disease perhaps. Mass starvation is another possibility. Towards this end, inclusion of poisons in the food supply, water, etc. , AIDS, birth control, wars, abortion, and deprivation of essentials, including iodine, all work together towards reducing the population, but are still not enough to stem the tide of increase. Certainly, the problems now faced cannot be solved within the context of freedom as many understand it. The masses are incapable of self-government, otherwise they'd have it. Professor Quigly outlined the only hope in his book: Tragedy and Hope.