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Re: Probiotic question: Primadophilus Optima or Syntol?
candidaincontext Views: 4,836
Published: 17 y
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Re: Probiotic question: Primadophilus Optima or Syntol?

Sorry scarface... what I meant by that was if the body cannot provide an adequate environment for the pro-biotics they will not live there. Its like trying to live in a room without oxygen... its not going to happen.

However! if you body is ready to take on some bacterias... some pro-biotics... and they are able to repopulate some areas.... then you will recieve the benefits of the pro-biotics.

So I do suggest trying out pro-biotics every now and again to see if you get relief... :) but expecting pro-biotics to cure a health problem is not going to happen.


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