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Truth about your "Candida"
kimwipes Views: 3,253
Published: 17 y

Truth about your "Candida"

For those who think you have candida, please start thinking about your health of your organ. The "Candida Saliva Test" is fake. I tested positive with this test but there was no detected yeast in my stool tests. So I figure Candida is fake, at least in my case. For those who think you have candida, I do not know why.

Below is the references of how "IMPORTANT" you stomach. IF your stomach is not good, it will put your liver on more stress and then the spleen will not work well. It is a bad cycle. Start thinking how to nourish the health of your digestive organs rather than your "candida" problem. I bet you will go nowhere if you keep thinking about this "Candida" problem. It is very interesting that there is no "Candida" problem in Asia but only in America. Interesting!! GO FIGURE PEOPLE!!

Dr Hiromi Shinya, the famous Japanese pioneer GI doctor, published his book about digestive problem and healths. He had seen 300,000 stomach and colon endoscopies in both western and eastern people. He never saw or mentioned anything related to yeast or candida overgrowth is the root of all problems. The root of all problem is what you eat and how you live. Say on Wednesday you are healthy but Thursday you start having candida problem. It does not happen this way.


Situated below the diaphragm, the stomach's upper outlet connects with the esophagus, and its lower outlet with the small intestine. Its main physiological function is to receive and digest food. The stomach is also known as the "sea of water and cereal." Food is digested here, then sent downward to the small intestine, where the essential substances are transformed and transported by the spleen to the whole body. The spleen and the stomach collectively are known as the "acquired foundation," that is, their proper nourishment establishes the foundation for a healthy life. Clinical diagnosis and treatment place great stress on the strength and weakness of the stomach and spleen qi. Generally, it is considered that whatever kind of disease occurs, if stomach qi is still strong, the prognosis will be good. It is said, "Stomach qi is the foundation of the human body. When there is stomach qi, there is life. When there is no stomach qi death will follow." Preserving stomach qi is therefore considered an important principle of treatment.

Normal stomach qi descends. If it fails to descend, symptoms such as anorexia, fullness, pain and distension of the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, hiccough, etc. will appear.


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