discovering joy of cooking on a cleanse!
this is my story of a little enlightment due to a master cleanse i did last yr:
i have been a single mom for 12 yrs, so i had to cook when i was fasting! surprisingly it didn't bother me, it didn't bother me in the sense that it wasn't unbearable as i thought it would be and it was actually fun, enlightening and very educational.
you see, i have always avoided the kitchen. being on the road nearly all my life, and spending time with dad fixing his car before mom could get me into the kitchen, i never really cooked or enjoyed cooking. it was a terrible hassle and i usually went out cause for one or 2 it seemed cheaper then the fuss of shopping and preperation and then cleaning!
it was like this untill my first master cleanse. then while on the 3rd day not only was i cooking incredible curries and delicious meals for my daughter, not only did these recepies seem to pour out of thin air (or my heart) but it also hit home, hit me deep, that i had an issue with the home/kitchen/mother goddess aspect of myself that i associated with food preparation and ingesion!
i was afraid to get caught up in some routine and become like my mother. dependant, serving, trying to please her husband, tired, bound. i associated eating with heaviness and negativity and preperation with some sort of terrible burden/slaving chore.
don't get me wrong, during most of my life i did eat well - i was not starving myself or pigging out on fast food, i have known about nutrition and alt health for most my life and have been raised on herbs. this was more emotional then physical. this realization i still can remember.
since then i have started to see cooking as a creative outlet and been putting a lot of heart into preparing meals for myself and my 12 yr old. rather then seeing them as just a way to curb my hunger ~!
light and healing to everyone!