"Thymus Health"
"IMO the key is thymus health"
Lead detox/Olive Leaf extract? What else can people do for thymus health? (iodine)
Stay away from aspartame/splenda
"Wish" we didn't get bombarded with toxins like you mentioned on a daily basis.
In your chart you mentioned thymus toxins and Scio treatments--anything else for those not close to where Scio treatments are possible?
In one of your posts you'd mentioned that in the beginning you had taken a Thymus glandular compound--is that something you'd recommend?
Would that be like what the Dr put me on when he tested and the thymus showed very weak? I started with 7 a day (muscle tested) and got down to 1 after about a month on it.
It's from Biotics Research--Cytozyme-THY
(neonatal thymus concentrate from bovine)
Toxins build up in the thymus and threadworms hang out there and as HC put it you can't have HIV without F.Buski completing its lifecycle in your thymus...
I took a compound thymus glandular when I first started, I would say it was worth it.