Re: Thank you . . .EDIT
EDIT - i added a third thing to the list, the fact that Charlie abuses people by posting private info he got from them on a public forum.
having a forum also doesn't mean you can act like an a**ho**.
this does not mean i am in favor of disbanding his forum. i dont think he's done anything worse that a few other forum owners who shall remain nameless. in fact i am sure i could come up with examples of at least two forum owners who have done much worse than charlie.
this was a combination of three things.
1. Charlie acting like an a**ho** and making absurdly overinflated claims about what his tonic was capable of.
2. Charlie violating rules and common human decency by posting private info on a public forum. who does that?
3. A never ending campaign to discredit him, some of it based on sound opinion some was just the
Iodine crowd getting all hysterical as they are prone to do.
eventually it was too much so he got canned.