Re: Just reminding you what you said Shroom-- Rife next
I'm actually still in the process of getting them figured out too--Newport is the one that knows the "energy/frequency" stuff. I had my first taste of what it's like a couple of days ago at the Alt Med Dr's office--now I understand what they are talking about when you hit things. Like Newport says- if you do the frequency for Lyme--and it knocks you on your rear the next day, you know you've hit it.
I hadn't wanted to spend the money for both the EMX and the F165--which would be around $2,400--but after looking further into it, I can see where for a person like myself that lives in the boonies where there is no QXCI/SCIO machine or a way to "diagnose" that the best piece of equipment would be the Fscan2 that has the Rife/diagnostics together in one. gulp...$4,000. But, viruses/Lyme are not going to get hit with herbals (or pharma- which I wouldn't do). And from what I'm understanding--they change DNA, which is why I think the diagnostic part of the Fscan2 would be more beneficial. Now my head isn't spinning anymore trying to figure out what would be the best for me to it's just coming up with the financial part of it. But, like the Dr told me too--yes, the herbals kill the parasites- but the "energy/frequency" wipes out their "fingerprint" so they aren't problems in the future. But, we live in a world where we will always be exposed to things too--it looks to me like keeping after them if for life.
The homeopathics the Dr made up for the specific things found on the MSAS Professional (Biomeridian) computer test--is hitting things head on too.