Re: Chiropractic question for doc (middle of back)
It's called an activator and is indeed a very handy little devise. It's supposed to be used as a reflex adjusting instrument but I use it as an impact instrument.
When I want to impress folks I call it the "high velocity adjusting aparatus". Technically that's what it is. It beats the bodies refexes. Very acurate and very benificial to most folks. And you're right I use it for fine tuning especially the cervical spine.
The middle of you back hurts huh??? That's called an anterior thoracic. Hurts like hell, can't get a deep breath, messes up your stomach. Painful too. It's a rib out of place. The rib will move posterior from the spine. Or the vertebra drops anterior from the rib which is more acurate. The adjustment is from the front with your arms crossed in from of you the adjusters hand on the ribs that the vertebra has to move back to and a push is given to the front. Vertebra drops right in.
Now, the technical part. Usually when folks have a chronic situation with the anteriors it means I'm missing something else either in the neck or low back. So I reexamine what I've been doing and correct that, which in turn stabilizes the chronic mid back problem. When the neck is off it will pull down into the mid tharcics because of the trapezius. When the lower back is off it will pull up into the ribcage because of the posterior longitudinals.
What I usually see is a temporary situation develop in the middle because I've got one end or the other changing which the rest of the spine has to adapt to as it returns to normal. Sometimes it get a little stuck in the middle. But it's a temporary thing and usually only takes a one or two adjustments to get it unstuck so the spine can continue its straightening out. That might be where you're at right now or he could be missing something above it or below it.
The pain you get between the shoulder blades from the reflex from the liver is different. It's more of a serious ache and doesn't interfer with the breathing and stomach. But man it hurts. It hurts over a broader area also. And an adjustment won't help.
But what you're describing IS an anterior thoracic. You chiro should know how to adjust that from the front.
As far as biostructure therapy well, look, it goes like this. If you've had serious structural damage yeah you're going to have to be concerned about that first but even so if that structural damage has been there for a long time you can bet it has interferred with the functioning of the organs. And it's just a bald faced fact if the organs aren't healthy the spine cannot get stable. And vica vesa if the spines not structurally correct the organs can't be healthy.
My neck used to be so locked up I could hardly move my head from side to side. No problem now. And the pain between my shoulder blades was horendous - gone now. So it's a two way street. My structural problems were initiated by the chemicals and parsites in the liver. Most structural problems aren't. People fall, have car accidents and do all kinds of crazy things to their spine and never bother to get it fixed at the time of injury. Then 20 years later they develop some organic problems. Guess where they started??? That fall 20 years ago. I was born and raised Chiropractic and have been involved in it my entire life so I knew my problems weren't structurally induced.
There is no technique available nor will there ever be that can permenently correct a structural problem unless the individual is also organically healthy. But then it's almost easy to do and doesn't take long either. And no special techniques are required. Any competent chiroprator should be able to fix you right up.
So you're either stuck from the correction process or he's missing something above or below.
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