Attention all those with microscopes: We need your help!
Attention all those with microscopes: We need your help! (dont ask who we is...cause I cant tell ya)
There seems to be a definate link between the fibers and the mites:
We need you too take your tongue scrapings and put them in a sealed contaior or petri, in pure water.
We need you to let that incubate for up to 35 days.
You can start checking it at about 20 days.
NOW LISTEN TOO ME: USE AN EYE DROPPER to retrieve the solution after incubation, or just put the petri under the lense, do not get it on your skin or anywhere else. DO NOT WALK AWAY, if this solution dries up, the mites will get up and run. YOU CAN NOT USE A COVER SLIP as they will be crushed and you can not identify, they are very soft!
You will not likely find any mites alive after scraping, they must be hatched from eggs, because of their soft bodies. So make sure you get plenty of scrapings to ensure eggs will be presant.
Use some extreme chemical to kill the left overs when you are done, please!!!!
And be careful, clean, and tidy!
Thanks for your help.............S Muse