UGH!!!! I was doing so well today. Drinking my lemonade and water and even journaling about how I felt throughout the day. I made the kids a wonderful lunch and was not even tempted...not once. I was feeling like I was on a naural high!!! Then dinner rolled around. I made burgers for the family and not even thinking...shoveled in a mouthful of beans and a bite of a cheeseburger. I may have well been eating on all fours out of a trough. Am I that weak???? I didn't even know I was doing it!!! I was shocked...appalled!! Did only 17 hours of fasting kill a brain cell or two??? Tomorrow I will start another day one. Tear:( For those of you still going strong....ROCK ON!!!! As're my inspiration!
To Masha2: That you for the support. Anytime you can give me a kick in the rear, would be great appreciated:) Hope your day one went smoother than mine!