Re: ?????????????????
The Quack-Files
Alternative Medicine, Quackery, Health Fraud -- The Other Side of the Coin
Acupuncture Watch 2 review(s)
The Skeptical Guide to Acupuncture History, Theories, and Practices. Operated by Stephen Barrett, M.D
Victims of Alternative Medicine
Links to the dark and damaging side of "Alternative Medicine." A BLOG by a former victim of alternative medicine who is shamelessly cynical and full of resentment to the whole "alternative medicine" industry.
Aspartame Really Kill?
This website is an independent rebuttal to the hysterical pseudo-science and
Conspiracy mongering that propagates across the Internet concerning aspartame, also known as Nutrasweet
HomeoWatch 4 review(s)
Your skeptical guide to homeopathic history, theories, and current practices
Vaccines Save Lives
Debunking those who would say vaccines are more harmful than helpful. Counter-Acting Wakefield, Scheibner, and others who have found supporters. Pointing out why parents may listen to those who would say they are harmful. Showing the consequences of listening to those who profit from saying vaccines are harmful.
Confessions of a Quackbuster
I confess to being a skeptic who is concerned about healthcare consumer protection, quackery, healthfraud, chiropractic quackery, and other forms of so-Called "Alternative Medicine" (sCAM).
Fighting SCAM
A former health fraud victim providing an insight to the lies & deception use by the Spurious Complementary & Alternative Medicine (SCAM) industry
The Green Light - Vaccination
It is almost beyond the comprehension of sane people that there should be organised opposition to vaccines. A special place should be reserved in Hell for the people who want to kill or maim children by preventing them from receiving vaccinations. The sites listed here provide factual information about the benefits and risks of vaccines.
Healthy Smiles for Generations!
This site is dedicated to opposing the pseudoscience of anti-fluoridationists, correcting the misinformation they propogate, and providing reliable information on water fluoridation's health benefits. In particular, it is geared to opposing anti-fluoride ballot proposals.
Need I go on ?!?!?!?!