Re: Hi everyone
Not sure if you'll have the energy or will to read this--but anyway: Purinton, whom I've been really taking to lately, says that once the fast begins, suspend all such thinking. worrying about the calcium etc. You are now 'in it' and if you're not hungry you just have to let go and let God. he says Leave all the facts and what they might add up to and so on as little stones you've set into walls down in the cellar, and know that the climate is better "upstairs".
for you, resting seems to be the thing.
One thing i was thinking would probably really help in a
Water Fast is the odd Bach flower essence, to deal with the mental-emotional challenge, which I think is maybe a big one. I used a few to help ease me through my recent ten + hours of meditation a day over then days; that was a big shift that felt quite "fast-like", and has led me to this forum. The three I tested strong for were each for being over-enthusiastic and a bit of a perfectionist. I wonder if you have any around? I would take the drops on my crown; so, no interference with the body and its water only diet.
hope you are drinking enough water.