YOU DO NOT HAVE ruptured appendix...thats lower RIGHT side of abdomen. You probably have Diverticulosis (Diverticular disease),
or some type of hernia. The presence of diverticula - signalled in some people by occasional cramps and tenderness in lower left abdomen, relieved by passing wind or stools, bouts of Diarrhea and Constipation, and occasional bleeding are symtoms of Diverticulosis. If you end up with intense Abdominal pain, Fever, and Nausea, there is a risk of abscess formation and Peritonitis.
If symptoms are those of diverticulosis, especially if there is blood in feces, consult your doctor, if there is no improvement in 12 hours. If symptoms include severe pain and fever, consult your doctor if there is no improvement in 2 hours.
Endoscopic examination of the lower colon or a barium enema (which should not be given while infection is in acute phase) may be necessary in order to rule out cancer of the colon (see Cancer, WHICH HAS SIMILAR SYMPTOMS).
Painkillers and/or
Antibiotics will probably be prescribed, and a high-fibre diet. If diverticulitis is recurrent, surgery may be advised.
SELF-HELP: Diverticulosis can be helped or forestalled by a high-fibre diet , but Bran is only a temporary solution, because although it increases bulk and brings extra calcium and magnesium to the bowels, it also carries calcium, magnesium, and zinc away with it. Fibre-rich foods, such as raw vegetables and fruit, are more nourishing and more appetizing. Increase exercise. Drink alcohol moderately. TRY THE COLON DIET, and increase fluids.
If it is a hernia there will be a lump protruding in lower abdomen(intestine protruding through abdominal lining/peritoneum and muscle of abdomen). SEE A DOCTOR for hernia.