fascination sends~
hair brought
into ponytail position
doesn't just resemble a shoulder lift
but the brushing produced that exercise
for my daughter while my hands
rolled through to find open door
instead of tangle hanging on hinge
ah a screw tightened for curl to occur
more smoothly so the last test
was as outside not sure of strength yet
and ducked at comb in few waves
of squeak after drizzle throw shower
but then she stood to say goodbye
to where hello is easy for her,
by scale I got on for odd picture
next to garbage husband said I threw so much away positively
yet unwasted zucchini skin unjuiced in kimchee
doesn't cram my mixture in car tonight
though arm circles on rock
had a span of lungs today
love you this much is with inbetween
concise size not simply by spedometer