17 y
anti-biotics/yeast/ parasites
I've been dealing with a nasty respiratory infection, it's starting to break, but it's been something of a doozy. When I was younger, I took tons of anti-biotics, wound up with horrible yeast, and then parasites. I'm getting thorugh this without the anti-biotics, thanks to the trusty cheap zapper, iodine, lots of veggie juice (craving
Celery juice of all the icky things) I'm temped to juice up my aloe, and also a little garlic.
Do you think there is a connection between overuse of anti-biotics, then yeast, then parasites? I've been trying to figure out why I'm so succeptible, and why I haven't been able to get rid of them they way I want to. Or maybe I had the constant flues and stuff becasue of a compromised immune system because of the parasite, or it's like the chicken and the egg, hard to figure out which came first?
I remember when pennicilin was the CURE ALL!!!! (Yes, I'm an old fart) My family doctor used to give in an injection in the butt every time I got a cold from the time I can remember.
Just a thought.....