Re: is it possible to cure my hair loss and facial hair
Hi and welcome,
You have found an incredible place to begin a journey to health.
I'm no expert, so I'm just going to throw some things out there that you may want to consider.
First, I'd take my temperature and heart rate everyday for a week. Here's how: Put a standard thermometer next to your bed. When you first wake up---before you move at all---put the thermoment under your arm for 10 minutes. During those 10 minutes, take your pulse rate. If your pulse is abnormally low, and/or your temp is below 98.6, you may have a thyroid issue. Read and go to the "find a dr." section to find a doc who can help you get back on track.
I'd also clean up the diet, and begin doing some of the cleanses. Don't get caught up in the expensive ones. Keep it simple for yourself. Drink enough pure water every day. If you're not filtering your water do so...even get a Brita-type filter pitcher if money is an issue. Take your body weight, divide by 2, and drink that many
ounces of water per day.
Consider having your hormone levels checked by using the saliva test. There's a test that requires you to take saliva samples every three days during one full menstrual cycle. This is very conclusive. This may cost you $150 to $200, so if you can't do it right away, just save your pennies until you can.
Consider doing the liver cleanse recommended by Dr.
Hulda Clark . It is cheap and effective:
Your liver regulates everything that goes through your body, including balancing your hormones. Read more about it on this website.
I'm sure others have suggestions for you. I hope this helps!!!