To Happyhealthygal
Hi Happyhealthygal! Hope you are well.
I came to this site with 100% hope of finding a natural cure for AIDS and believed it would be here. But after reading your posts I've changed my position to a more cautious and sceptical one. Although I still have hope of finding alternative solutions you are indeed a very necessary breath of fresh and lucid air in this potentially somewhat misleading forum.
I've just recently discovered an ex-girlfiend has AIDS. We were together a year and a half and had a normal sex life with lots of vaginal and oral sex (never used condoms). She reckons she caught it a year before we met. Statistically what are the chances I've been infected? I've never had any symptoms and am in perfect health two years since we split up.
Some other questions:
- Do you have any side effects from your meds?
- I gather you've tried Sutherlandia
OPC herbal cancer cure with no success? What other alternative therapies have you personally tried?
- I gather your partner underwent the Beck protocol with no success?
- Do you see any value in
Colloidal Silver or ozonated water?
- In your opinion is there any merit in a program of herbal detox and immune system strengthening?
- What about the idea that there is/are cofactor(s)involved in AIDS such as Mycoplasmas?
- I've read a lot about the unreliability of the Eliza, Western Blot and Viral Load tests, including from Nobel prize-winner Kary Mullis. How do you account for this? Supposedly the proteins or dna/rna fragments tested for are present in normal blood anyway, and lots of things can cause false postivies?
- How do you explain the HIV denialism of the thousands of eminent scientists like Peter Duesberg, Perth Group, etc.?
- Where do you stand on the theory that HIV was introduced to Africa via
vaccination programs?
Sorry to bombard you with so many questions. I'm pretty new to this and am trying to work my way through the labyrinth. You are one of the few rationally minded people here I would trust. Thanks.