Re: Impotent older boyfriend's p 0 r n habit
Well, all I can tell you is that p 0 r n is about more than sex...but you probably already know that with prior experiences with the ex.
p 0 r n is often NOT about normal, healthy sexual desire, but more about being in control and powerful, making "use" of sexual objects in the manner of prostitution. When done, they put the pic back on the shelf (or in the pc). Doesn't really interfer with their daily lives or require any human intimacy. Just as some prefer it.
I think p 0 r n addicts have real intimacy issues, especially with women. Sounds like your bf has this problem. The step-daughters, neice and YOUR friends pictures would make me a little sick, too. I don't think this problem will easily be resolved, even if he becomes capable of an erection. It's deeper than sex, per se.
You might want to read the postings from jadedkarma on the relationship board, who has a similar issue with her husband regarding p 0 r n.