17 y
Re: A few questions for R.G. about my daughter,humaworm & autism
Fledgling,Thank you for your kind comments and wonderful suggestions.Much of what you said about your son,reminded me of my oldest son.I was a unwed teenager when I got pregnant with him.I had alot of well-meaning outsiders telling me to put him up for adoption because I was so young(17) and came from a very poor family.Some people called me selfish because I wanted to keep him.I knew in my heart I wanted this child and would do everything I could to be a good mother.I also knew I did not have much materialistically to give him.I did know I could give him alot that would prove to be priceless over his lifetime though.I tried to expose him to different cultures and keep the door open for any opportunities that came our way for him to learn anything he could.School was a no-brainer for him.He was always in the advanced classes.We used to set aside time for us to do something together all the time,whether it was watching a movie or reading a book.Where The Red Fern Grows is still his favorite book to this day.Mostly I tried to get him to be open minded and to consider other people.I wanted him to know how wonderful of a person he is without relying on other peoples acceptance of him.I wanted him to stand for what was important to him and never doubt that,but to be open to change as he learns.He is 24 now.He is going to school fulltime to be an electrical engineer and works fulltime to pay for it.He never has been a day of worry for me,so I like to think maybe I did do something right.I tell him every so often that I know he has plans for his life,but life has plans for him.Very seldom are they the same thing,but if he watches it he could come out better than he ever thought.
I have another son(8yrs) he is my sun gazer.He likes to sit with me and watch the sunrise or sunset.He is alot like my oldest son.School is a no brainer.He seems to like it mostly for the socialization.He is the greatest debater I believe I have ever seen.He ask about a hundred questions everyday,lol!He is very laid back and wants everybody to be his friend.Rarely ever do I see someone that makes him stand-offish,but I know its his instinct telling him something and I know to pay attention when that happens.
Then after I thought I had learned everything there was to learn about life and this world,here comes my daughter.I might should mention all of my children have been the best teachers I have had in my life.My daughter though is showing me things I have never seen and never thought of in her own way.She is the gentlest person I have ever seen,yet she has more inner strength than I have known anyone to have.I learned when she was at a early age,that if I was going to help her progress I would have to go at her pace and let her lead.She was 20 months old before she started to walk regularly.I can remember when she was about 2yrs,she and I was walking up a fairly steep hill.I remember looking down and seeing her legs was as wobbily as new born calf.I started to pick her up and carry her,but something told me no,she would let me know if she needed me.She made it up that hill without the first whine or whimper.She has the best sense of humor.Her sense of humor is more on the intellectual level and mentally stimulating.When things are going a little hectic she has a way of making me laugh,just from watching how crazy this world can be thru her eyes.This child has came so far.I know she has a way to go and it might not always be easy,but I know this child and her strengths.I think she has what she will need to succeed.
You are right,it is just like watching a flower slowly blossoming.
Thank you for your reply and I hope you have a wonderful day,charville