Re: facial edema
Just thinking with you here -
Since taking milk Thistle causes a reaction, I'm wondering: have you tried doing a liver flush?
Milk thistle is used as a liver "tonic" so I'm thinking - you may work on your liver, and maybe overhaul your diet in the sense of including lots of salads, FRESH veg/fruit juices, broths, natural
Sea Salt , no
White Sugar , must include good oils in your diet, omega oils and B12 & b complex vitamins, black strap molasses, chlorohyll - for starters that may change your world. One month may tell you if this helps or not - also FRESH lemon juice w/ your salads (and water if you can do).
There is so much you can try, its difficult to pinpoint 10 things - I would add MOVEMENT: dancing, walking, rebounding, swimming - any regular body movement will be a great thing for your body to get things moving.( unclog the bod: cleanse lymph by moving)
Uh, and sorry: no dairy, and no white flour products.
One last thing, and I know I know I know, I say this all the time:
Cayenne. Nuff said.