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LuellaMay Views: 1,601
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The Politics of National Health Care Reform: Why no Popular Presidential Candidate can Solve Our Health Care Crisis (transcriipt)

As reported in The Best Years in Life Health News


The Politics of National Health Care Reform: Why no Popular Presidential Candidate can Solve Our Health Care Crisis (transcriipt)

Thursday, July 03, 2008 by: Mike Adams (see all articles by this author)

(NaturalNews) Have you ever wondered who is going to win the presidency in the United States and what affects that might have on health care? Now people are terrified over the healthcare issue today. You probably have experienced some of this yourself.

You stay in a lousy job that you do not like just because they offer healthcare insurance and you are afraid that if you lose that job or quit you will not be able to find health coverage anywhere because if you try to buy it privately they nail you over pre-existing conditions. You have been paying into that system year after year after year -- huge amounts of dollars every month -- and then they deny you coverage.

That is the way the system works today and it is a system that is designed to keep you diseased and bankrupt. I am going to tell you about that system, how it works, and why no presidential candidate that has a chance of winning now has any kind of realistic solution for the healthcare crisis that is facing our nation. Not just the people but also the employers -- the companies that are footing the bill for this as well. That is one reason why so many jobs are leaving our shores.

They are being offshored to countries that have better healthcare systems or less expensive healthcare systems. By the end of this show, you are going to find out that this entire system that we call healthcare in this country is a giant scam. It is a huge corporate-sponsored con designed to do just two things -- keep you in a state of disease and take all the money out of your pocket and out of your bank account.

When you die from the side effects of pharmaceuticals, go bankrupt, even owing money to the hospitals, then the shareholders of those corporations consider that a success. They made more money off you by exploiting your body than they would make if they showed you how to stay healthy. I know it is a serious topic but let us dig into it here. Let us not hold back. Let us tell the truth, which is something that I am pretty well-known for doing on the air, especially about healthcare issues.

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