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Re: Stop Scapegoating Immigrants!
rudenski Views: 1,349
Published: 17 y
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Re: Stop Scapegoating Immigrants!

You really think you are paying for the illegals? Interesting. America has an aging average age of 46 year old White people who are not very interested in doing the work the illegal immigrants are doing now. Who would you pay to pick your fruit, work in slaughter houses, clean hotels, or mow your lawn? When White Americans want those jobs then it might be the time to talk about who who is paying the tab. Could you imagine a Back to Africa conversation about the newly freed Black slaves after the Emancipation at well at a Clan meeting following the Civil War would sound much the same? There certainly wasn't a run of White people wanting to pick cotton after Emancipation.

Following the Potato Blight the same kind of Anti-Irish immigrant talk was out in the open so it is not just people of color that people will rally around a flag to justify hate. If you are a real Libertarian, you would allow market forces to determine who stays in America but the reality is that America drove Mexicans into the United States with corn dumping below cost. The problem is not the Mexicans but the American shadow government who took away the ability of millions of Mexicans to feed their families. This should be "The Issue." It is just not as sexy to talk about economic Terrorism as it is about illegal immigrants or the eugenics of IQ. The Mexicans that are taking jobs White people want is generally taken by Mexicans who speak English and are very well assimilated. I have been immersed in this culture for most of my adult life. The assimilated Mexicans are the only hope of an aging White population to ever receive Social Security. Younger(average age 26) immigrants are absolutely an essential part of the American economy. Small town America would simply vanish where the Average age is mostly retirement age. Education and training of young immigrants is what will make America competitive in the future. Making the illegals already here second class citizens is no way to treat those who break their backs in the sun or handle toxic chemicals so White Americans don't have to. In areas where anti-immigration enforcement is strong, food rots on the vine. To me, union organizing and stopping the open borders are better approaches over the lynch mob mentality of the conservative thinkers that really believes in rounding up millions of Mexicans and sending them back to Mexico.


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