Re: Enemas. Good or Bad?
Scotty X,
the question is not "Good Or Bad", the question is "For Who?"
Both, "sea salt flush" and "enema" are something you can do alone, at home, you don't need any help.
It costs nothing.
But, there are people who don't like drinking awful tasting salty water or
Epsom Salt water, and they perefer enema.
Eneme is actully far more safe and healthy then salt water flush.
Salt water flush will dehydrate your body, while enema will rehydrate your body.
But, it is easier for some people to drink a drink, then to do all you need to do when doing an enema.
On the other side, enema can only clean your colon, while salt water flush will clean the whole GI tract.
If you suffer an acute poisoning, then salt water flush will help much faster then enema. But a combination of both will help even faster!
So, there are many different aspects, and the only real answer for your question is:
There are people who prefer one thing, and there are people who prefer another.
But, sometimes, a combination of both is the best.
So, to find out what is the best for you, you will have to try both, and make your own answer.