Re: just WHO exactly is crazy??
Another angle on this...
Has anyone noticed that when you do something completely sane, eg water fasting, you really upset the apple cart amongst your "crazy" friends (you know - the one that eat hydrogenated vegetable oil 3 times a day)?
I have therefore come to realise that when you are doing something REALLY sensible, you get pelted with stones by your friends, metaphorically speaking of course.
It's only because you are destroying their system of references that they have always believed in, and they are doing all they can to maintain that false premise and keep you in the fold, so to speak.
1) if you are getting lots of flak, well done, you are quite probably doing something right
2) If you want real support and confidence building, come to this forum. You are definitely going to have to satisfy yourself that fasting is safe, because as sure and anything none of your crazy friends will! Use this forum to build confidence in yourself.
3) Don't try and argue with "crazy" people, just humour them, that's what I generally do. Go through with your ambitions, let them see the results, that's the best you can do for them.
In scuba diving or general lifesaving, you DO NOT approach a drowning disoriented victim, and let them pull you under. You are not much use to them that way. Instead, get yourself on safe ground and throw them a rope. Similarly with fasting, it's probably best to lead by example. Don't let them drag you down, but if they see it works for you, that's your best hope. My opinion anyway.