so so sorry to hear your story, but i am glad you found this website. i know for me when i was being worked up for MS (which no one in my family generations back has) i found this website and promptly had mine removed. fortunately removal was easy and i lost the weird sensations in my feet and hands, and general lightheadedness within about 1 month after it being removed. i am now about 6 months post removal and still have strange sensations in my feet/hands/head from time to time, but overall i feel i am much better than i was before. i recommend you get yours out-although the OBS and orthosurg docs don't think it is related, why risk any more time in case it is. i am a nurse practitioner, and alot of product info we get about different products comes from the drug reps themselves (so they aren't going to advertise symptoms like many of the woman, you and me included are having since having the mirena).