Im a 240 lb male 21 years of age was a casual drinker. Very active mind and I tend to have trouble falling asleep. I ended up one week drinking atleast one fifth of jack Daniels whiskey a day, on one day i ended up drinking 3. I haven't drank any liquor for 2 days now, but have a near constant pain in my lower back, and am afraid i may have caused damage to one or both of my kidneys/liver. My question is are there any modifications to the routine that is posted for cleaning them that I should make because of how i may have potentially damaged them, what is the likelihood that they will heal on their own without me drinking any liquor, and what is the potential that I caused serious damage to them with that short burst of massive over drinking. It has only been 2 days but they do seem to not be as bad(the pain in my lower back on both sides). Im not completely sure it is my kidneys but i am worried it is and figure it couldn't hurt to do something for them.
No i do not have insurance anymore atm and not enough money to see a doctor, but should within a month or 2.