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Re: --answer--H2O2 inhalation--Gout?

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Will_I_Ever_Learn Views: 1,715
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Re: --answer--H2O2 inhalation--Gout?

Thank you Mr Moreless

Recent experiences would tend to agree with what you said. Since I discovered your forum a several weeks ago, I tried to be more aware of what I eat.

I am doing the H2O2 body spraying after a shower. I take 3 times a day the ML drinks with about 8 tbspoons of lime water and 6 kelp capsules with each drink. I try to bath my foot in H2O2 twice a day, morning and evening. I also take Epson salts and BSM after a meal that has much protein. Most of the time I take my supper at 5 or 6PM instead of much later as in the past. Although I am was not a big meat eater, nevertheless I ate much proteins from eggs, cheese, and beans and chick peas. I love pasta and rice, now I rarely eat them. I eat more vegetables grown locally, since I am not too far from a "market". I ordered online a refractometer a month ago. I haven't yet received it.

I must say that, over the weeks, I observed that I have more energy, more alertness. Whenever I have a problem with my knees or ankles, they heal faster and the pain is less violent. But since I had gout for a long time, I am pretty sure it must have had an effect to the whole body (granted, at various degree). I realize now that I was pretty acidic. And that it will take much time of continuous care because I am coming from far.

And as for the H2O2 mist in the mouth, firstly, if I don't try it, I will not know if it will be beneficial or not, will I? And secondly, sorry if I don't catch quickly, again I don't quite understand what it is. It must then be the equivalent of the H2O2 spraying over the body (but here it happens to be internally) and therefore not inhalation. But if so, do you swish it and spit it out, I don't believe that one can swallow it. Again, sorry if one has to spell it out. (Is it because English is not my mother language, or is it because I am from an applied math and computer sciences background, where I like crystal clear instructions)?

Thanks again for all the new info and challenging ideas in your forum Mr Moreless.



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