Re: Pizza Hut, Pepsi, Starbucks, Religion, and Brainwashing
"A treat is generally something that tantalizes the senses or is something refreshing from the ordinary in life."
Thats one way of looking at it...
What I am getting at is that people create perceptions around treats. So lets say a treat is exactly as you say it is. Now what if I make an agreement or perception that because treats stimulate the senses... that this makes them better than other things.
Like saying "work sucks"... now I might not think work is a treat in the way it tantelizes. But that doesnt mean "work" actually "sucks", it just means that work isnt stimulating. Or I like the taste of apples better than oranges... so oranges are better than apples. Apples and oranges are both just fruit... one is not better than another... however I believe that we do make these associations subconciously.
Same could be said about junkfood. I like junkfood better than regular food... or "health food". Therefore junkfood is better than "health food", therefore I want to eat junkfood more than I would want to eat health food.
So when I see a starbucks... put a poster up saying to "treat myself". I see several things.... first it implies that starbucks is a treat... second it implies that I am entitled to a treat. So IF I have the agreement that starbucks coffee is a treat... then chances are I will buy it. However if I subconciously made an agreement that starbucks coffee is the best... I might drink it daily, not even realizing why. And getting upset when I cant have it anymore, because subconciously I still think its the best.