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Image Embedded Choose Nature Instead of Prozac for PMS and PMDD
LuellaMay Views: 2,478
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Choose Nature Instead of Prozac for PMS and PMDD

As reported in the Best Years in Life Health News

premenstrual syndrome

Choose Nature Instead of Prozac for PMS and PMDD

Wednesday, July 02, 2008 by: Tony Isaacs (see all articles by this author)\

(NaturalNews) Thanks to a recent question in the Ask Tony Isaacs Curezone forum, I discovered that it appears to be common to prescribe the dangerous drug Prozac for PMS -- at least in the United States, that is. Not only that, but it is evidently often prescribed not by the Psychiatrists who successfully lobbied the FDA for approval over the objections of the WHO (World Health Organization), but by ordinary ob/gyn doctors who are making diagnosis of a specially created condition the psychiatrists came up with to justify prescribing it: Pre Menstrual Distress Disorder, or PMDD.

The initial question asked in the forum was :

"Went to the ob/gyn yesterday. I am well into premenopause and he diagnosed me with PMDD. No doubt my PMS is getting worse as I get older. He wants me to start on Prozac for several days a month before I get my period to help with my symptoms. I don't want to go on Prozac or hormone therapy. What can I use naturally to help my symptoms? I think I need to revamp my diet as well. How can I ease into a diet change slowly so as not to overwhelm myself all at once? Also, any supplements I should add? I know there are lots of questions, but I NEED HELP! Thanks."

My initial reaction was one of shock and outrage. Prozac for PMS? What the heck was an ob/gyn doing prescribing that scary drug? And what was PMDD anyway? A quick check of Wikipedia made it all too clear:

To read the rest of the article click here


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