Re: Bitten by a Fly
the little deer flies will run you out of a woods and send any horse jumping out of control, etc...
The Horse flies are much larger and swarm accross country by the billions, they are both blood suc***s and leave knots on animals probably from laying eggs as well if anything gives them time enough to do it.
The horse flies can "organize" into huge swarms of thousands that can chace after you and if you were to trip or fall down, they would overwhelme you and kill you easily. I have never read of them doing it, but have came upon such swarms and out ran them as you take your hands and wipe them from your face and arms. Since they don't sting and it takes them a few seconds to bite you, you can normally out run them. Unlike hornets that do sting and will out run you!
I simply would put a drop of oregano oil on the bite and forget it. "IF" this was used too late and a person was to become ill, then I would use oregano on the bite mark and internally and if need be, start a orange juice fast until well.