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Thanks Shroom and Sniffs
MsPep Views: 10,548
Published: 16 y
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Thanks Shroom and Sniffs

Sniffs—no they got the pylori off of the fecal sample I submitted, I believe. I’m not sure what the Antibiotics consist of, but I know there's at least two. From what I've read nobody treats it with just one antibiotic. Sounds like they need to come up with another Antibiotic or a combo of one.

Shroom—from what I understand h. pylori can actually “turn off” stomach acid pumps. Pretty tricky of them, those buggers.

So--after I wrote my post, I found out that the cost of the prev pac would be $198 (that's after insurance). So I am going to put it off for the time being. It's a tough call, but, as I said, I am "borderline," and I really don't feel like messing with the Antibiotics --regardless of the price at this time. I will take the alinia however. That was only 27 bucks or so. I did speak to a knowledgeable pharmacist about whether or not I should cave and go ahead and but the prev pac. He said that once intestinal secretory IgA has increased your body can fight a lot of bugs (and my h. pylori may go away). We had this conversatoin because in addition to finding out I may have H. Pylori and A. Hystolytica, I found out that I am gluten intolerant (this would have been nice to know 15 years ago when I first started getting sick w food allergies ). Anyway, my gut SIga is far too low, but should come up with avoidance of gluten. I am also doing shots for food allergies so that should help with the SIga too. I'll be doing another GI within 6 months, so if I still have the frickin' pylori, I will probably bend and do the prev pac. For the time being, I think I will keep doing what I have been doing and drinking water with insoluable fiber and taking probiotics. At the very least, I can scrub some of it out of me that way (apparently it hangs out in the first part of the small intestine too.)

Thanks for answering me. I really do appreciate it when people answer my posts. Makes me feel less alone with all the stuff that beleaguers my body.



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