18 y
MSM for leaky gut and candida
I have LG and candida and liver-congestion.
I have been using MSM a lot in the past and It made me feel pretty good! But now I've heard that it is'nt that good for LG or people with crohns. This is what
Shelley said
"Don't take ANY MSM or glutamine. MSM is a sulphur,
which is acidic, not alkaline, and can cause hives. If
you have joint pain on the right side of your body,
then all that sulphur is depleting your copper and
making inflammation worse.
Arthritis people are helped
by MSM so it got popular, but Crohn's people get
worse. MSM will also interfere with calcium."
Does anybody with LG or Candida had any good results with MSM, or is just interfering with everything else since it's acidic? Candida like to live in an acid environment.