Wow you are doing great.. I was almost through the day yesterday but could'nt take the ill feeling.. WOW in one day.. does that mean I am really toxic if I start feeling the cleansing process so soon???
I need to crucify this flesh.. I am trying to gain discipline through this fast which is one of the fruits of the spirit in your life.. Its hard, my personality changes dramatically. Everyone suffers my kids my husband and even friend and family over the phone ask me whats wrong? Dont know what to say..... I cant believe food had such a strong hold in my life.. Two of my kids leave in a coupld of days so I might be able to have alone time since the little one doesnt understand when mommy isnt smiling or playing. I need some time alone to rest and meditate on Gods word... I wish i could go to a retreat.. But I will do this.. I hope you resolve all the issues inside during this fast. Forgiveness is key in your walk. Maybe God will deal with you and have you call your dad.. Sometimes we have to be the bigger person.. Just seek God for guidance and as far as deciding between A and B leave it in Gods hands, always seek to be in HIS WILL.. when you walk out of it due to fear etc we mess up and reap the consequences... TRUST ME I KNOW from personal experience.. Maybe I will share them one day... GOD BLESS