Have you ever tried a nasal rinse treatment with a netti pot? It is very inexpensive, and you can get the netti pot at your local pharmacy. You can mix half of 1/4 tsp of salt (without iodine) and 1/4 tsp of baking soda inside your netti pot with warm tap water. I suggest without iodine because it may be irritating. Here’s a video that shows you how it works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVJRctHhyrQ This nasal rinse was recommended to me by my allergy and asthma doctor and by my acupuncturist to treat infection and to remove allergens that may be lodged in my nasal passages. It usually resolves it in a matter of a few days, if not sooner, unless the infection is very bad. If it is very bad, then I do have to resort to antibiotics.
Have you checked with your doctor to see if your problem stems from your nasal passages being too small or completely blocked? If that is the case, then that could be the explanation for your infection – there isn’t enough drainage and thus infection sets in. Here’s a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAHLM4M2z6w that addresses this problem, and this particular doctor recommends surgery. The video shows the surgery, and at the end, shows how well it healed with no more infection. I’m not recommending surgery, since I’m not a doctor and have no clue what your problem is, but you might want to discuss it with your doctor.