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--Lesson in World Economics--

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 17 y
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--Lesson in World Economics--

Hi Ya'll,

Most folks never figure out "WHY" World Powers do what they do !

Most folks end up being Pawns on the playing table !

Before America was formed into a World Power providing Freedoms of Speech and Religion not found in any other country, the world Powers fought against each other trying to protect their interest and gain more Power !

When America came to Rise in World Power the Masses of the world benefited Greatly as more Freedoms became available for those who were able to move to America !

Then as in the past the world elite wanted ways to protect their Interest around the world and since America had become a Dominating Power, the Elite Families of the world drew America into becomming the Policeman of the world to Protect their Interest around the world !

And the Elite soon learned that there was more Money to be made by Selling Arms to Different countries who wanted to Fight each other, so sales of War Toys has become a Big Business for the Elite of the world !

And America has become the Policeman for these Elite as the Politicians of America have Sold our Freedoms to fatten their own pockets, thus pulling America into being the world Policeman !

Because of these Politicains Selling our Freedoms, America is heading to become a Third-world nation as We become Bankrupt trying to Police the whole world, because it cost Big Money to be the world Policeman !

The Elite of the world were safe from Wars when mankind only had Guns and small bombs, but when the Nuke came into being this changed everthing, as now these Elite could not just jump into their jets and fly to another villa in another country, for now the whole world is at risk of Death by Nukes !

The Powers still are trying to Rule the Masses,but as time passes and the Weapons of Mass Destruction become more available, no one will be safe from destruction !

Thus it is more Important now for the Elite to place controls on everyone and every country to try and control the spread of these weapons of mass destruction !

Thus as time goes on more and more freedoms will be taken away in the name of Security for the good of all !

Americans became Great because of their Freedoms and Access to Natural Wealth given by God as a Blessing to those who believed in God and tried to Live according to Gods rules !

But, as time has passed and Many Americans have Gained Great Wealth and become Fat and Lazy, they now have forgoten their Creator God and the Result this shall bring upon America shall be many Cursings along with the rest of the World, which has forgotten God !

For when mankind forgets to acknowledge his Creator and Stops Living by his Creators rules, this brings upon mankind Great Cursings unto Death !

One of the 1st things may be that the people become Sick and Diseased as is now taking place, thus causing the people to lose their back bone and then the Politicians take the peoples freedoms away for more Power for themself !

What is one to do?

Learn to think for yourself and stay as healthy as one may so that one may enjoy Life as one may find the oppertunity to do so !

Because when one gets Sick and Diseased and depends upon the Social Handouts from the politicians, then one is on the take and the Politicians have Complete control on your Life !

Cause and Effect !

"WE" are What "WE" Eat !

Smile Tis your choice.


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