"Please see these 3 posts in my blog http://mpdela.blogspot.com/search?q=leaky+gut
that explain what a leaky gut syndrome is. It is not actually feces seaping into your bloodstream, it that were the case, it would be life-threatening. These articles will explain it. You might also want to see Dr. Hyman's blog http://www.ultrawellness.com/blog/ultrawellness-key-3
in which he addresses your 'inner tube' (your gut), and he has good suggestions."
Thank you so much for your expertise in this area! Thank you for your blog! I can't tell you how many times I have heard that "fecal matter leaking into the bloodstream causes fecal odor". Thank you for showing all of us clarity!
You are a blessing to me and all of us in the BO community Maria.